First blog post

Hello Everyone,


This is the beginning of an awesome journey, a milestone in fact.  You know when there’s something you know must do but you keep delaying it?  You’re not sure how you’ll be received; what will people think or say?  That was me afraid to be vulnerable and transparent before people.  I’ve even shed tears because I knew this would involve talking about some things I’d rather remain forgotten.  You can’t keep old wounds covered up and expect them to heal; sometimes you have to let them get air.  So here I am real and bold!  I’ve experienced some real hard times in life but I’m definitely not a victim.  As far as what people will say, I welcome your comments.  The opinions of others can,at times,be quite interesting and informative.  I do this to let someone know they’re not alone hoping that they too can walk through their own process of healing.  I’ll allow my thoughts to fall on this page just as leaves fall from trees.  Thank you for stopping by.


Welcome to my story,


Dawn Michelle


3 thoughts on “First blog post

  1. expressit2017 says:

    I see that you also have managed to be a survivor to some tough times in life. I give you so much credit for coming forward and wanting to speak about these times. Writing can be very therapeutic and actually help us heal from our wounds. Wether they be physical or emotion. Both share their fair amount of pain. Thank you for coming forward and speaking for many who are unable to do so. I’m going to follow you so I can keep up on any additional blogs you make.

    I’m new to this and just did my first introduction blog yesterday. I’ve been wanting to blog for over two years now and just finally got up the courage to do so. I love expressing my feelings through writing, I’ve always been much better at writing someone a letter than speaking to them in person.

    I’ve had some challenging and difficult times throughout my life from dealing with a rare connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and several other health issues, some include mental health (depression/anxiety), and even grieving over a loss of a close loved one. Now, my plan is to turn my negative experiences into positive experiences by helping others out with similar situations. I want to also blog about so much more! That’s just a few that I’m very passionate about.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    To check out my introduction blog, here is the address:

    Liked by 1 person

    • dawnmichellesite says:

      Hello Ashley,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I have endured some tough times but I’ve learned that resiliance is one of my strengths. There were times I thought I wouldn’t make it and yet I’m still here. Through writing I choose to pursue purpose.

      You have endured some hard times as well. I cheer you on for you are truly an overcomer. You are strong and your blogs will touch the lives of others. I’m glad we’re connected.

      Be encouraged, be empowered and be blessed,

      Liked by 1 person

      • expressit2017 says:

        Thank you so much Dawn. I’m sorry you have been through the rough times, at times they may break us down momentarily but in the long run..I truly believe they make us stronger and mold us into the person we need to be. I appreciate your response and hope to see more from you soon.



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